Monday, April 13, 2009

Mowing the Lawn

Before I moved to Gunbalanya I lived in a block of units and had no need of a lawnmower. Then when I did come to Gunbalanya I was moving to a bare earth block so again buying one wasn't a priority. However in January I moved to a different house with a well established lawn and suddenly I had a problem. No lawn and no way to get one until the road opened up. The school mowed everybody's lawn at the end of the 6 week Christmas break, but my lawn has not been mowed since and was over a metre high.
Whilst I was in Darwin I used Kevin Rudd's little bonus to buy myself a lawnmower. I went one size up from wehat I will need normally because I knew what sort of a job I had ahead of me.
I didn't even try and do a nice manicured lawn - this was purely a knock'em down cut - no catcher, lawnmower jacked up to it's highest clearance just chopping it all down.
The lawn is not small, so even doing ot rough and dirty there was an houre and a half of mowing.
The noise and effort are bad enough, but unfortunately I'm also allergic to grass, and get hives and an incredibly itchy rash when I come into contact with it. The funny thing was that while I was mowing the noise, heat, vibration and everything else get me distracted enough that I didn't really notice the itch except as a vague nuisance that was slowly growing. The second I stopped though my body let me know ALL about it.
So now I'm lying here after a very thorough shower and a couple of anti-histamines hoping that the itch is going away soon.

Ps. That didn't happen. The rash was worse the next day and I had to go to the clinic for some stronger antihistamines.


At 4:07 AM, Blogger Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!


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