Gunbalanya - End of Week 1
The school at Gunbalanya has 3 distinct sections.
Having got my feet wet I decided to keep going so for the rest of the week I took the class anytime the teachers would normally have their planning time. I took the middle years students for PE on Wednesday afternoon and played a game of hockey with them, which was great fun but also persuaded me that the new timetable was not going to have sport at 1pm!
Thursday I took the other class for a session. This is made up of all the young men who are going through ceremony. The local customs don't allow them to be taught by or to mix with women during this time which means they need to be in a separate class and limits who I can use to teach it. The Trinity boys were back with their gliders and the guys had great fun.
Friday was spent planning with the outstations teachers and doing some cleaning and furniture moving in preparation for a third teacher joining the team next term. Then it was time to jump in the car and race back to Darwin for my hockey presentation night.
(I picked up the coaches award which recognises the player who the coach feels has made a particular contribution to the team which was great.)